12 Fév we are who we are hbo
Nell'ultimo episodio compare Devonté Hynes, il quale si esibisce al Locomotiv Club di Bologna come Blood Orange. Before Craig deploys to Afghanistan, his friends throw him an epic wedding. Be sure to share right now in the comments! Stream Season 1 episodes of We Are Who We Are online and access extras such as interviews, previews and episode guides. We Are Who We Are è una miniserie televisiva italo-statunitense co-creata e diretta da Luca Guadagnino per HBO e Sky Atlantic. Paolo Giordano y Francesca Manieri escriben junto a Guadagnino. The dynamics between the Wilson and Poythress families escalate while Caitlin and Danny take bold steps forward in their journeys to define themselves. Information, interviews, photos and more for Sarah Wilson played by Chloë Sevigny on the HBO original program We Are Who We Are. Meanwhile, Sarah and Maggie make some new connections. “We Are Who We Are” will debut September 14 on HBO. ET on HBO. We Are Who We Are ha llegado a HBO España hoy martes 15 de septiembre. Two American teenagers come of age while living on an American military base in Italy. Britney Orton, interpretata da Francesca Scorsese, doppiata da Veronica Benassi. Review: ‘We Are Who We Are’ Captures Not-So-Innocents Abroad Luca Guadagnino’s HBO series is a heady teen drama of hormones and self-discovery on a U.S. Army base in Italy. Luca Guadagnino’s HBO project 'We Are Who We Are' features several genres of music, including American and Italian pop, R&B, hip hop, and classic rock. We Are Who We Are Drama | TV Mini-Series (2020) We Are Who We Are is a drama television series co-created and directed by Luca Guadagnino for HBO and Sky Atlantic. Uma história de passagem à idade adulta sobre dois adolescentes americanos que, juntamente com os seus pais e exército, vivem numa base militar americana em Itália. La prima serie di Luca Guadagnino (in onda su HBO dal 14 settembre e in arrivo su Sky Atlantic e NOW TV dal 9 ottobre) parte da un luogo: una base militare statunitense nella provincia veneta. We Are Who We Are La dinámica entre las familias Wilson y Poythress se intensifica mientras Caitlin y Danny dan un paso audaz para definirse a sí mismos. Written by Luca Guadagnino, Paolo Giordano, and Francesca Manieri ET on HBO… We Are Who We Are will premiere on Monday, September 14, on HBO. The dynamics of the friend group shift after Caitlin and Sam’s break up. … HBO svela We Are Who We Are, primo sguardo alla miniserie di Luca Guadagnino sulla scia di Chiamami Col Tuo Nome La prima immagine della nuova miniserie in arrivo nel 2020 su HBO e Sky mostra il volto di Jack Dylan Grazer. “We Are Who We Are” premieres Monday, September 14 at 10 p.m. La serie We are who we are de HBO es la última propuesta de Luca Guadagnino, en la que vuelve a explorar el descubrimiento de la sexualidad tanto (y especialmente) en la juventud, como en la edad adulta; demostrando que nuestra identidad o lo que creemos ser no es algo fijo, sino que es una percepción que está en continuo cambio. di Ambra Romanazzi. We Are Who We Are è la nuova serie di Luca Giadagnino in collaborazione tra Sky e HBO. Luca Guadagnino, regista, sceneggiatore e produttore noto al pubblico e alla critica per film come Io sono l'amore, A Bigger Splash e Chiamami col tuo nome, è lo showrunner, produttore esecutivo, sceneggiatore e regista. Richard Poythress … In HBO's "We Are Who We Are," as in his "Desire Trilogy," the Italian filmmaker's trademark nostalgia is not just a form of longing — it is also a warning. We Are Who We Are è la nuova miniserie televisiva italo americana co-creata e diretta, per HBO e Sky Atlantic, dal candidato al premio Oscar Luca … Directed by Luca Guadagnino. We Are Who We Are Cast & Crew | HBO Official Site. Meanwhile, Sarah and Maggie make some new connections. Colonnello Martin, interpretato da Jim Sweatman. The creators and cast of We Are Who We Are take you inside episode 3. Sarah Wilson Chloë Sevigny. The cast includes Chloë Sevigny, Jack Dylan Grazer, Alice Braga, Jordan Kristine Seamón, Spence Moore II, and Scott Mescudi. When Richard’s insubordination reaches a breaking point, Sarah must make a difficult decision about his future with the unit. Op 14 september a.s. wordt de eerste aflevering uitgezonden. RELATED: Every Episode Of We Are Who We Are, Ranked … Marta, interpretata da Brixhilda Shqalsi. Directed by Luca Guadagnino Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! Ep. We are who we are, and no one has the right to tell us otherwise. It wrapped up with its eighth episode on November 2, 2020. There isn't too much longer to wait now until the HBO drama comes out. Written by Luca Guadagnino, Paolo Giordano, and Francesca Manieri As Caitlin prepares to say goodbye, she and Fraser embark on an adventure they'll never forget. Written by Luca Guadagnino, Paolo Giordano, and Francesca Manieri Caitlin Poythress Jordan Kristine Seamón. Series premiere. follows two American teenagers as they explore their true identities while living on a military base in the seaside town of Chioggia, Italy. Jenny Poythress, interpretata da Faith Alabi, doppiata da Osas Imafidon. Stream We Are Who We Are (HBO) on HBO Max. Questa pagina è stata modificata per l'ultima volta il 30 gen 2021 alle 11:55. Switch camera. No, your cable hasn’t perpetually been cutting out, We Are Who We Are has moments that are indeed briefly frozen in time. Luca Guadagnino tiene serie de televisión y esta la podremos ver en HBO a partir de este próximo 14 de septiembre. Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! Il debutto di Luca Guadagnino alla regia di una serie TV. An eden of freedom. We Are Who We Are est une série TV de Luca Guadagnino avec Chloë Sevigny (Sarah), Jack Dylan Grazer (Fraser Wilson). We Are Who We Are Drama | TV Mini-Series (2020) Furthermore, with the coronavirus pandemic delaying productions of shows and films, those delays could trickle down to We Are Who We Are Season 2 as well, if it's approved. Directed by Luca Guadagnino We Are Who We Are è una serie Sky Original coprodotta da Sky e HBO. We Are Who We Are draws many parallels to the 2017 film, with long, tense scenes that follow the characters' emotions closely, favoring performance over dialogue to reveal emotions. Set on a fictional Army base in the seaside town of Chioggia in Italy, the series follows two American teenagers, Caitlin and Fraser, as they explore friendship, first loves, their own identities, and other anxieties that are par for the course when you're a teen. We don’t think there is any real hurry to rush along a decision on season 2, so there may need to be a little bit of patience required here. Directed by Luca Guadagnino Fraser Wilson Jack Dylan Grazer. Commissionata da HBO e Sky Studios, la miniserie è stata prodotta da The Apartment, Wildside e Small Forward. 59 min (Photo: HBO.) Also, remember to keep coming back for other insight on all things TV. Ep. At first viewing, the frozen moments could be seen as random choices, but upon further study — and discussion with Luca Guadagnino — … Fraser uncovers one of Caitlin’s deepest secrets, forever changing their relationship. Craig Pratchett, interpretato da Corey Knight, doppiato da. HBO estrenó a finales de septiembre la serie ‘We are who we are’, una historia juvenil donde se relata el amor, la identidad y el reto que implica ser un adolescente en medio de una base militar. Sign up for our Email Newsletters here. A voler essere sintetici, We Are Who We Are può essere riassunta così, nei suoi due temi portanti: la ricerca del proprio posto nel mondo e – di conseguenza – della propria felicità. Sam Pratchett, interpretato da Ben Taylor, doppiato da Luca Tesei. INTERAZIONI: 212. Con Jack Dylan Grazer, Jordan Kristine Seamon, Chloë Sevigny, Alice Braga, Kid Cudi, Corey Knight, Benjamin L. Taylor II, Francesca Scorsese. Head to Spotify to hear music from the series. We Are Who We Are - Un film di Luca Guadagnino. Drammatico, Italia, USA, 2020. An error occurred while retrieving sharing information. With Jack Dylan Grazer, Jordan Kristine Seamón, Chloë Sevigny, Alice Braga. E 1 mar - 1:40pm HBO Signature. In HBO's "We Are Who We Are," as in his "Desire Trilogy," the Italian filmmaker's trademark nostalgia is not just a form of longing — it is also a warning. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. 8 talking about this. Written by Luca Guadagnino, Paolo Giordano, and Francesca Manieri ‘We Are Who We Are’ Trailer: Luca Guadagnino Explores Young Love in Upcoming HBO Series The Original 'Scarface' Isn’t From 1983—It’s From 1932, And You Can Watch It Online Mel, interpretato da Tomeka Campbell Turley. We Are Who We Are Cast & Crew | HBO Official Site. We Are Who We Are A dinâmica entre as famílias Wilson e Poythress se intensifica conforme Caitlin e Danny dão um passo ousado para definirem a si mesmos. 21 talking about this. Should We Are Who We Are get renewed for a second season, it'll likely be a while until fans get to see it. E 4 We Are Who We Are. Take a break from reality with Jack Dylan Grazer and Jordan Kristine Seamón. Watch “We Are Who We Are” with the volume up. Read our spoiler-free review. Created by Sean Conway, Paolo Giordano, Luca Guadagnino. 04 - O indicado ao Oscar® Luca Guadagnino (Me Chame Pelo Seu Nome) apresenta este drama da HBO sobre dois adolescentes que vivem em uma base militar dos EUA na Itália. There are a … Fraser and Jonathan develop a friendship while Richard becomes increasingly aware of the distance between him and his daughter. ET on HBO… Caitlin Poythress, interpretata da Jordan Kristine Seamón, doppiata da Vittoria Bartolomei. © 2021 Home Box Office, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Watch the first official trailer for the series in the video below. Jonathan Kritchevsky, interpretato e doppiato da Tom Mercier. E 4 We Are Who We Are. Tap to unmute. Written by Luca Guadagnino, Paolo Giordano, and Francesca Manieri La serie llegará a HBO España el próximo 15 de septiembre. We Are Who We Are premieres September 14th on HBO … Sarah Wilson Chloë Sevigny. Watch the first official trailer for the series in the video below. Na een eerder verschenen teaser, heeft HBO Max nu een volledige trailer vrijgegeven van We Are Who We Are, een serie van de getalenteerde regisseur Luca Guadagnino (Call Me By Your Name, Suspiria). ET on HBO. See what really happens behind the scenes of the show. 59 min 04 - O indicado ao Oscar® Luca Guadagnino (Me Chame Pelo Seu Nome) apresenta este drama da HBO sobre dois adolescentes que … We Are Who We Are Recensione: Guadagnino fa centro al primo tentativo La prima serie di Luca Guadagnino prodotta da The Apartament Wildside e Sky/HBO è un genuino distillato di adolescenza. In We Are Who We Are —a sensual, immersive but weirdly inert HBO drama from Call Me by Your Name and Suspiria director Luca Guadagnino that … Get inspired with this look at the series. HBO recently aired a new original series co-created by Luca Guadagnino, who directed the acclaimed coming-of-age romance Call Me By Your Name. We Are Who We Are La dinámica entre las familias Wilson y Poythress se intensifica mientras Caitlin y Danny dan un paso audaz para definirse a sí mismos. There are no high speed car chases or swelling orchestras in the new HBO/Sky drama. We Are Who We Are Drama | TV Mini-Series (2020) Caitlin Poythress Jordan Kristine Seamón. Teresa, interpretata da Maria Teresa Cerantola. Colonnello McAunty, interpretato da Hans Bush. Sign up for our Email Newsletters here. #HBO #WeAreWhoWeAre #LucaGuadagnino #JordanKristineSeamón #JackDylanGrazer Subscribe to HBO on YouTube: https://goo.gl/wtFYd7 From Luca Guadagnino, the director of Call Me By Your Name, We Are Who We Are follows a group of teens growing up on an American Army base outside of Venice, Italy struggling to find their own identities as they move into … Written by Luca Guadagnino, Paolo Giordano, and Francesca Manieri Include playlist. [4][5], Exclusive: Luca Guadagnino Is Working on a New Series for HBO, Exclusive:Chloe Sevigny, Alice Braga, Kid Cudi to Star in HBO Drama From 'Call Me By Your Name' Director, ‘We Are Who We Are’: HBO Sets Premier Date For Luca Guadagnino Series, "WE ARE WHO WE ARE", la serie tv di Luca Guadagnino dal 9 ottobre su Sky, https://it.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=We_Are_Who_We_Are&oldid=118326253, Miniserie televisive drammatico adolescenziali, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo, Paolo Giordano, Francesca Manieri, Luca Guadagnino, Jordan Kristine Seamón: Caitlin Poythress. Call Me By Your Name and Suspiria director Luca Guadagnino helms meandering coming-of-age drama We Are Who We Are for HBO. A coming-of-age story set on a US army base in Italy, the series follows two American 14-year-olds, Fraser Wilson and Caitlin "Harper" Poythress. Information, interviews, photos and more for Craig Pratchett played by Corey Knight on the HBO original program We Are Who We Are. Maggie Teixeira Alice Braga. Se trata del primero de los 8 episodios de esta ficción que algunos medios definen como … Fraser Wilson Jack Dylan Grazer. “We Are Who We Are” premieres its Season 1 finale Monday, November 2 at 10 p.m. We Are Who We Are A dinâmica entre as famílias Wilson e Poythress se intensifica conforme Caitlin e Danny dão um passo ousado para definirem a si mesmos. Valentina, interpretata da Beatrice Barichella. Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! In this fearless coming-of-age series, enigmatic 14-year-old Fraser (Jack Dylan Grazer) is uprooted from his life when his mother (Chloe Sevigny) accepts a position in a struggling army unit in a seaside Italian town. Directed by Luca Guadagnino We are who we are, and no one has the right to tell us otherwise. La miniserie si concentra sulle vite di due adolescenti americani che vivono in una base militare statunitense a Chioggia, nel 2016. 59 min Furthermore, with the coronavirus pandemic delaying productions of shows and films, those delays could trickle down to We Are Who We Are Season 2 as well, if it's approved. Se trata del primero de los 8 episodios de esta ficción que algunos medios definen como miniserie o … In We Are Who We Are—a sensual, immersive but weirdly inert HBO drama from Call Me by Your Name and Suspiria director Luca Guadagnino … Estreno de serie. Should We Are Who We Are get renewed for a second season, it'll likely be a while until fans get to see it. We Are Who We Are’s more metaphorical explosions can sometimes do big damage, but at others, they’re really beautiful. 21 talking about this. Maggie Teixeira Alice Braga. Even though the show's creators have begun fleshing out Season 2, HBO still needs to officially renew it. HBO’s newest miniseries We Are Who We Are has concluded its limited run and it’s safe to say that the show’s finale subverted all expectations. “We Are Who We Are” premieres Monday, September 14 at 10 p.m. We Are Who We Are ha llegado a HBO España hoy martes 15 de septiembre. Share. Now, as far as a second season goes, producer Luca Guadagnino is … Directed by Luca Guadagnino Written by Luca Guadagnino, Paolo Giordano, and Francesca Manieri … Directed by Luca Guadagnino Y a pesar de que es muy nueva, ya está apunto de llegar al final de su primera temporada. From co … Do you want to see a We Are Who We Are season 2 renewal at HBO? Information, interviews, photos and more for Sarah Wilson played by Chloë Sevigny on the HBO original program We Are Who We Are. When his mother’s new military assignment uproots their family from New York to Italy, 14-year-old Fraser Wilson struggles to find a place for himself. [1][2], La miniserie ha debuttato il 14 settembre 2020 su HBO negli Stati Uniti[3] ed è stata trasmessa dal 9 al 30 ottobre dello stesso anno su Sky Atlantic in Italia. 59 min Guadagnino non sarà solamente il regista di We Are Wo We … We Are Who We Are è una miniserie televisiva italo-statunitense co-creata e diretta da Luca Guadagnino per HBO e Sky Atlantic. Sign Up: Stay on top of the latest breaking film and TV news! “We Are Who We Are” will debut September 14 on HBO. Directed by Luca Guadagnino Shopping. ‘We Are Who We Are Season 1 premiered on HBO on September 14, 2020. Sarah separa las vidas de su esposa e hijo de Nueva York cuando es designada comandante de … Even though the show's creators have begun fleshing out Season 2, HBO still needs to officially renew it. Lees ook: Indrukwekkende eerste trailer HBO-serie 'We Are Who We Are' “We Are Who We Are” premieres its Season 1 finale Monday, November 2 at 10 p.m. 16/12/2019. Written by Luca Guadagnino, Paolo Giordano, and Francesca Manieri Le riprese della miniserie sarebbero dovute incominciare in Italia alla fine di maggio 2019, ma la produzione non iniziò prima della fine di luglio. Retrouvez toutes les news et les vidéos de la série We Are Who We Are. We are who we are es una coproducción de HBO-Sky; Luca Guadagnino ejerce como showrunner, director, guionista y productor ejecutivo. Luca, interpretato da Arturo Gabbriellini. Enrico, interpretato da Sebastiano Pigazzi.
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