12 Fév texte mbeuguel en wolof
Visit our new Wolof translator: JangaWolofTranslator.com. suma xharit = my friend The sentence was comment left on a picture.. nice na means dats nice cherie france means darling abdoulie. – I’d like … . How cost??? Visos šypsenos į monitorių. Ba beneen. I would like to be able to say..Thank you very much..or, Thank you my friend..in Wolof. Suma jabbar = My wife Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Reblogueó esto en Fet a mày comentado: Suma xarit — “my friend”. namm (miss) – I will miss you. You’re welcome. – You’re welcome. Maa ngi joghe les USA. : After a period of economical decline, Saint-Louis-du-Sénégal (Saint-Louis of Senegal), or Ndar in wolof, became a popular tourist destination. Le temps n’est pas du savon, mais il blanchit. My boyfriend is from Senegal and I really love him a loooot. jerejef = thank you This bilingual dictionary & phrasebook, based on the spoken Wolof of the Gambia, is an essential resource for travelers in the region. it’s wolof frm senegal. Im here for you”, in Wolof? This is proof that really, anything is available on the internet. Jerejeff, Hi, sometimes I get a 400 site error when I arrive at this webpage. I met him 18 months ago, but we only spend 6 weeks together ( 2 times 3 weeks), hey can someone halp mw with a translation…i need to know the meanning of this phrase “akh ki dou moromou domou khadj bobou” Does someone know?…thank you, Khadj means dog.. Hi everybody. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Soreh na? How do you say “my grandmother” in Wolof? Wolof (Ouolof, Volof, Walaf, Waro-Waro, Yallof) belongs to the Atlantic group of the Niger-Congo language family.It is spoken by 5.2 million people in Senegal ().Wolof is also spoken in The Gambia and Mauritania. It’s a gambian double entendre! mo ne si man, li ne si mane moye dilene diapale, Please if anyone can help he can contact me : ristovc@yahoo.com That is because I asked everyone not to register for the chat, but to just enter a username and press login.I am glad you had a good meditation experience.Peace: how do you write “we are all the same” in Wolof. (How are you?) Fügen Sie bitte eigene Einträge zum Wörterbuch hinzu. but now I need ” I am the luckiest girl in the world because I found you and never gonna let you go again ” plz help me ! Danga ñao = You Are ugly! I don’t want you to look at me and think The ji part is optional – it’s like saying “the”. hello! We provide not only dictionary Wolof-English, but dictionaries for every existing pairs of languages - online and free. Clearly there’s a big difference between Beugg & nopp. Mangenyo si kanam (tutti) I will be coming back later. who knew there were so many other ppl wanting to learn wolof. ( Log Out / Celui qui vend des tomates ne doit pas se bagarrer. begue nala means more of I love you . I seem to get a lot of comments from people with Wolof speaking boyfriends and girlfriends. – It’s too much. Wolof is spoken by more than 5 million people in the Gambia, Senegal, and Mauritania. Nopil = Shut up i have no idea what nana ye zimbe is supposed to mean but i do know that ” suma doom jangal so bouge am diplome” literally means “my child learn if you want to have a diploma” basically the singer is imploring the child to get an education. Khamouma li neka thi sama souf ak thi guinaw “, Hello, I can��t understand how one can add your site in my rss reader. yaakaar – hope; sa (your) yaram (body/health) jamm (peace/well) – your body at peace/you're in good health; dama (I) la (you) nob (love) – I love you; ak – and; nala (I will[?]) Don’t see me from a distance Linguee Apps . Jaaraama is another way to say ‘thank you’. How do you say in Wolof “with Love”? – Where are you from? Thanks. the December fourth part. Literally it means ( this one is not equal to that son of a dog) .. but speaking. mang gee dem- I’m going So, to finally answer your question “Torop jere-jef, suma xarit!” or in French; “Merci beaucoup, mon ami!”. I am trying to learn Wolof to speak to friends in Australia. Ce que lécher ne peut pas donner, mordre ne le donne pas. Mahn deggumah Faranse. i have been told a term of endearment for your loved one is cherry coco. Nutzen Sie die weltweit besten KI-basierten Übersetzer für Ihre Texte, entwickelt von den Machern von Linguee. Spell this helps keep yr, it would sell 74 gazillion phones in boendow a dow : smaller may it means: is dis nice darling abdoulie ? Visit our new Wolof translator: JangaWolofTranslator.com. Do you see the puff I am talking about? – No. Jahuma = i dont know boebah : good Wolof pronunciation is easier because each vowel has but one sound if I am not mistaken, like French. Le garçon est petit. Glosbe ist ein Community-basiertes Projekt, das von Menschen wie Ihnen geschaffen wird. His grandmother just passed away. nama nala – I miss you Dama bahggoon … . – Do you speak French? Fan ngeen joghe? and what the meaning of dama la nopp then..i herd it is smt like i love u…. – Have you peace? Zum Soforthören oder als Download. jogma : give it too me Thanx. Suma doom jangal so bougué an diplo. 773068478. They say the person asking the question knows the exactly what the implication is! Wer sich über den in Deutschland seltenen Räuber näher informieren möchte ist hier genau richtig. Degg naa tuuti Faranse. Does anyone know how to say: “May she rest in peace. I appreciate the reply. The Wolof orthography, unique to this volume, is specially designed to be user-friendly for English speakers. My husband is Senegalese and I was wondering if anyone could share any romantic phrases in Wolof. Traductions en contexte de "wolof" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : Élage sings mainly in wolof, but also in French and English. Im still very interested and facinated with the language and country it self . suma jekkar = My husband Degguma. This is the song, thank you very much. maalalo – i miss you more (i miss you the most). – My name is … . Im married to a Senegalese man and we have lots of trouble with comunicaions, from both languagebarriers and cultural diffrencies, yean and the common woman/man challenge. lo wah = what you say? Menu. What’s under and behind me More or less is foj dem? Je n’achète pas un rat palmiste dans son trou. Torop is ‘very much’ (from French ‘trop’). Ce n’est pas parce que je veux de la sauce que je vais me retourner la marmite chaude sur la tête. Die Worthäufigkeit sagt nichts über die Bekanntheit des Wortes oder das Vorkommen in der gesprochene … How is the family?? You’re right. Kuy jaay kamaate doo bëré : boo ca dëggee mu toj. And a Word for Communication, sorry it should be “Patience” – Leave me alone! i cam at dis side n i waan learn wolof too, just knw tuuti rek n it would be so nice rek if i knw more.. please could you tell me what means in Senegalese SA MA KHOL? Le garçon est fort. is no insure you’ll carry on, though: merely Search at on its headphone and is proof that the iphone, or other iDevice has been clink broken in. Hi, I’m italian. After I went through all that I see you already have it . Mala raw – I miss you more, Bugg naa la – I love you (general) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), http://quizlet.com/1645140/wolof-greetings-phrases-flash-cards/, http://www.google.it/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=6&cad=rja&ved=0CEMQtwIwBQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DjSpv8WG9Ko4&ei=h111UPmsGc-UswaZ0oGoBg&usg=AFQjCNE-uXqrzS32arnDp75xIIC6uQZuSA, General Greetings / Salutations Général (Dialog), Film en langue Wolof (English subtitles) avec Kadi Jolie. Coronavirus : où en sommes-nous au Sénégal ? please forgive me for everything”? Linguee. my husband is from Gambia and i’m very anxious to learn the language, can someone offer any other common phrases that will be helpful or tutorials? i just needed some help to say” I hope you are having a wonderful day” in wolof or fulani. – I speak only English. I have been away from the site for awhile but I have some things in the works and will begin updating the site in a few weeks. Can u give me a wolof to french dictionary? About See All. I’m a teacher and I would to teach this song to my little students. Start >HERE< scroll all the way to the bottom and work your way up! : Élage y chante principalement en wolof, mais aussi en français et en anglais. <– Not 100% sure about this, can someone confirm? – Thank you. Glad to see all the helpful responses to this post! Much obliged. – And you? Hi i was just wondering i’ve been looking up how to say i love you in wolof and while i was in senegal i was under the impression that it was boga nala but when i was searching how to spell it i found it as Nob naa la. li ci internet bi! The O in wolof, mostly sounds the same as the O in bOy; unless it is succeeded by U or i ; but I can’t think of a Wolof word with oi sound. To say please and thank you in Wolof! I was in Senegal from 93-94 and miss Wolof. – right. thanks again…looking forward to read something. Le garçon est grand. You have my vote for the Photoblog Awards, and a new fan of your work. woloffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff hahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! — Xarit is pronounced like hair-reet. Mangi dem supermarket, mangenyo legge legge. Forgot account? Nanga def = How are you Jaam nga am? Quelles formalités pour venir au Sénégal ? cool, am here quite often but never saw your answer. P.S. Lori. Ndeyjoor. Yow nag? – Hello. and also french to wolof. Naka-nga sant? We will teach you: How to say Hello! By the way, danga rafet means “You are beautiful”. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Vocabulaire et phrases de base en wolof. Beugouma kouma khol oaldine yaw li neka si yaw – I’m from the USA. (singular) I got this from a Senegalese male friend but can’t figure out if his spelling is off cause i can’t find a translation! thanks in advance! he does speak good english but i can tell he is very surprised and happy when he hears me speak in wolof. and Goodbye in Wolof! The film stars an ensemble cast of Will Smith, Edward Norton, Keira Knightley, […] We use cookies on The Crossword Solver to help our site work, to understand how it is used and to tailor the advertisements shown on our site. ahh good, now i know how to say i want/like/love/desire him to my boyfriend. ‘Nob’ is a verb that also means ‘to be in love’. Anything that one would whisper during a romantic candlelight dinner or sms to let the person know that you’re thinking of them. – Where are you all from? translated: happiness boy ….? de mal a dofsi yow : im crazy about you. Bare/bari is another way to say ‘much’. – I don’t speak French. @kath mayall – thanks so much, I’m writing letters back to my Gambian “family” and couldn’t remember “Naka sa doogooda?”. (plural) can someone tell me what does “khewuel” means?? Damalob = I love you boemak : big – Goodnight. I posted a sentence earlier but no one had replied. (plural) Wolof lernen schneller und bequemer, als mit klassischen Lernmethoden! (singular) My boyfriends tells me exactly the same. which one is right? I know it starts with: then there’s something like, “yalla nu yana bo lay val?”, Thank you it was helpfull to read this because I try n teach myself wolof because my husband doesnt want to teach me I know a bit what I learnd by just listning but it would be good if I could get a phrase book to help me or a web page. Sie wollen möglichst nachhaltig, schnell und einfach Wolof lernen?Der Sprachkurs-Spezialist Sprachenlernen24.de bietet Ihnen eine erprobte Möglichkeit einfach Wolof zu erlernen und das bei nur ca. Suma raka = Brother ki ke le wi : whos there , hello, dama sono : im tired Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Man = I would be happy if u still hang around and answer me L’œil ne porte aucune charge, mais il sait ce que la tête est capable de porter. ‘Ak’ means and/with. Naka ngeen def? how do u say no sex in wolof my boyfriend is from senegal and i told him i would find out how to say that because he wont teach me that lol, Man déedéet tëdd ak. Ce phénomène a pu être observé lors des séances sur les sites de rencontres, où des pseudos en wolof font parfois référence à la sexualité, entre autres pour plaisanter : lounekh (lu neex, « (qui est) bon/sexy »), mbeugel (mbëggeel, « amour »), Rencontre saf-safal (« savoureux ») ce soir, et dans les SMS : bayil cagatu bi, « arrête de te prostituer » et dans un SMS reçu par une des jeunes femmes, un ami lui dit … Si je dois mourir dans la brousse, que ce soit le lion qui me tue. fan la = where is??? suma xhalibi =my baby (darlin), Hi, would someone be so kind to translate to English for me please, hello everyone! How do you say “My name is ...” in Wolof? I’m glad to see that even in my absence this site remains useful for those who wish to learn Wolof. 360 people follow this. – Where is … ? C’est avec le temps qu’on découvre une cicatrice aux fesses. I need you to translate please. Handy Phrase Guide: English to Wolof (Senegal) Posted at 15:21h in Blog, Guides by St Communications 0 Comments. Beugg is to like.. beugg na sama yay ( I love my mother); beugg na thiepp ( I love/like rice). Now I’ve been trying to brouse the web to find a phrase that i used pretty often yet i cant find a proper transulation for it , the phrase was légé légé ” dont start flaming me plse im a native speaker im from belgium i know the spelling may be off by miles . Thank you! Wa douma fo touti sakh, Fo rek : “you play too much/ playing is the only thing you do”. Blog Presseinformationen. This photo of architecture could be the winner of any contest. omg how cool is this site. Angale rekk laa degg. The origin of Wolof has not been clearly established. my sister – there is no specific term for sister, you have to refer to siblings as younger “suma raka” or older “suma mag” and then add male or female, so if you’re speaking to your younger sister you’d say “suma raka bu jigen”, whereas your elder sister would be “suma mag bu jigen” (translates directly as “my older sibling that is female”), It was fun finding this site. Hi, this Q is for Bamber…i think the first two questions you have posted above are informal and mainly used among friends as ive been told my my boyfriend and his friends who are from The Gambia as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Vocabulaire et phrases de base en wolof. Santan ne dit pas la vérité mais provoque le doute. Hope that helps . – Get in! 356 people like this. Can that be expanded just a bit to make it a little more personal, say add the words, My friend? I learned these from my mother & sister in laws while in Senegal, they would always say this when I would leave for the day with my husband. I learned this when I first met my husband and had found a free online dictionary that I printed out from a missionary group website. nob nala is something you would like say to a boyfriend . Merby = mother, OMG, do you see whats transpiring in Syria? – Peace only. Glosbe dictionaries are unique. Hi, what do you say on Korite? Thank you. Wölfe galten in Deutschland lange als ausgestorben. How to say this is all for you in Senegalese wolof, How do you say in Wolof- my heart belongs to. And since sometimes I like to study details I even like the little puff of water that is spraying near the two wooden posts near the upper right hand side of this photo. dedet = no mang gee dam lee gay-im going to work Jai-rruh-jef for this site. Nanga no tu da = hOw is your name? Can anyone break down some of the individual Wolof words for us? 6 Likes. hiVegas is a VideoEditing software WITH chomraKey function, SMU2 is NOT an editing video software BUT a Vector Keying program quite different and of course results are betterSMU2 does NOT integrate into vegas as Nothing other sw (except CS3) because is NOT made for do thisSMU2 work with its virtual sets and some other made in 3MaxDs, but we assure best result only with its own Vsets, of courseright use of SMU is use it to create effects then use it as piece for editingwe do not talk by phone because we ssell worldwide and is time consuing and USELESS .all info are inside this website and SMU ids the best software all over the world see demos and that’s it , no need to add much more. When I woke up it was about 11:40 but I was in such a spacey place, it took me a minute to re-group. This post will guide you to understanding the English meaning of many common Wolof phrases. I Loved This one!!! ko kan la? Said I would have to find out for myself. Balnaala – I forgive you, often used at festivals when people say ‘balma ak’ – forgive me, to others who reply ‘balnaala’. tutu rek : just a little Une chèvre ne croit jamais qu’un mortier est vide. Nana ye somalé nana zimbe. jom ji. – Goodbye. Can someone tell me how to say “Hope you are ok, I miss you and love you”. Your best bet for a free online dictionary is the one put out by the Peace Corps which is a printable/downloadable PDF…also Firicat.com is a searchable dictionary. wowa nice framingI like iriemtnd me of a nice and sometimes dangerous hobby I used have in the past in Paris.Down along parking lot ramp at full speed with inline skatting.Can i print it for my own usaged ? you people are so dumb, you got half of it wrong! Thank you for this blog! Deg nga Faranse? Please, A rough translation – God will repay you with peace, love and everything, Hey, thanks for the blog article.Really looking forward to read more. $PeaceIn the chat box, everyone shows up as a guest, incnduilg myself. http://www.google.it/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=6&cad=rja&ved=0CEMQtwIwBQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DjSpv8WG9Ko4&ei=h111UPmsGc-UswaZ0oGoBg&usg=AFQjCNE-uXqrzS32arnDp75xIIC6uQZuSA Sprache Wolof Region. You should follow up with your husband as i was urged not to learn these questions this way first. they are for friends, my husbands friend taught me that so i can talk to him and all his cousins. I appreciate your quick reply Binta..I’m goint to try it today. Ku jaaxaan disaw, balaa kenn a tooy nga lóór. – I don’t understand. Finden Sie verlässliche Übersetzungen von Wörter und Phrasen in unseren umfassenden Wörterbüchern und durchsuchen Sie Milliarden von Online-Übersetzungen. (plural) Jaam nga fanane. Please share this with anybody … Fan nga joghe? Looks like you have an admirer… . Mehr... Übersetzung hinzufügen. Can anyone tell me the correct text and translation please? just came across it by chance thank you google! I thought that but wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something or that maybe he misspelled nob nala, but I’m sure nob nala and nanala sound quite different! How do I say “watermelon” in Wolof? Deg nga Angale? Bei allen Vokabeln und Texten kommt natürlich auch die Grammatik nicht zu kurz. La means ‘you’. nellow nah boebah? dama mara naam : im thursty, samagol : lady of my hearth DE EN Externe Quellen (nicht geprüft) A … “Douma fo touti sakh ” (nothing wrong with playing a bit), Can you tell me what the following means: lonek yagiu ci diam. boebaha very good what does “nanala” mean if anything? nakka a fairbie? Jaam nga fanane. Agsil. Xale bu góor bi dafa mag. Namana la = i miss you Wolof Deutsch Wörterbuch mit 1.054 Übersetzungen. Glosbe is home for thousands of dictionaries. I have two more—-damala nama la wahh….& Jaam rek. Wau. Thank you very much for the prompt response!! (singular) Part of me was listening and understood but the other part of me was seriously asleep LOLOL. I want to learn wolof please email me soon, Can ANYONE please translate the following? Jamm nga yendoo. Dama khif means I’m hungry . numa nala- i miss you, this is great, my husband has a strong accent,, im clueless. – Please. tor lu si skul bi….. do you perhaps know any links to help proper pronunciation of wolof words? Jai-rruh-jef. I have a Senegalese friend who has just died…I am an artist and would like to include an appropriate farewell phrase in a picture I am painting is there someone who can tell me what I should say to my friend and his family to say goodbye? Nakasubasi = Good Morning I don’t mind seeing stuff like this one bit Nice chgnae actually. Ko kan La = Who are you? [maan dey-deyt tuhd ak], man = I; déedéet = no; tëdd ak = (to have) sex, What is the English translation?— Si lor neh. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Danga Sona = you are tired? I think it is something like ‘I like you’ but I am not sure. please! amoel challies : i got no money Dafa tuki = travel is I have some more, my husband is a Gambian.and Im spanish!! Thank you for visiting my blog and for liking my post Learing Wolof. I should do a post for lovers. - Goodnight. tanga = Hot Arame: buga naa la translates to “i want you” or “i like you” Der NABU hat für Sie einige Materialien rund ums Thema Wolf zusammengestellt. 5.200.000. Hi everyone, love this thred. – Where do you live? (near Tamba) Wolof ak Senegal Bak na! Seer na torob. – I don’t speak Wolof. Then they went somewhere and when they came back my husband’s mother said nama nala Marie, and when I replied Malalo, she was so happy. wa cha nga- you off from work? The New Testament was published in 1988. – You’re all welcome. Now Iknow what to reply when somone says “I miss you “, Thank you! : where you going? boemak a mak : bigger – Yes. Sama/suma is ‘my’. Hey Lisa, there is a pronunciation tab at the top of this page. Well when I brough it home to show my husband, he shook his head and said “if you come to Senegal and speak this wolof to my family, they will think you’re crazy” He obviously was joking with me, but it is rather different. yogal = Up Belie deh touch nga fi! i knw it as jerejef ore jere jef (thank you). – How much is this? Desire you may appropriate some a lot more posts. Sample text from the Wolof Bible. Really good site,thank so much for your effort in writing the posts. Balal ma = Im Sorry hey do you know the meaning of this phrase “akh ki dou moromou domou khadj bobou” can u help me please..i really need it..thank you. Change ). Proverbes, sentences et maximes wolof. Please cam you help if you can. Su la nexee. Naka sa Family ? Living in NY since ’98, I found out long ago each English vowel can have up to 5 or 6 different sounds; unlike the English we were taught in Senegalese High school.. who is this song by? Le garçon est fort. How to say “I wish people could have more patienser” and “I wish we could understand eachother better” you don’t have to be rude to people who are here to learn: well then perhaps you could supply help rather than be so offensive is better to help than criticize yalna la yalla faye ak ramadan mubarak. I want him to see I care a lot can you please give me some love phrases or things to say to him. ana wa kurge? If you are about to travel to Senegal, this is exactly what you are looking for! (I still cannot spell in Engish, French or Wolof), Hi, im dating a guy from senegal, im so inluv wit him so i want to learn his language- wolof, ITS REALLY REDICULUS; IT DIDN’T HELPED ME TO COMPLETE MY PROJECT. hello matteo. ä ö ü ß. – Good afternoon. Linguee. Different materials use different spelling systems which can sometimes cause confusion for those who are used to a particular spelling system. Deutsch-Englisch-Übersetzungen für Wolof im Online-Wörterbuch dict.cc (Englischwörterbuch). i am struggling with his culture of just getting married without taking some time to get to know each other. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! : what you up too? (I’m fine.) I really want to know what is the meaning of this : Boul ma sene, boul ma guiss madi re nga fokni mane nop naa la is “i love you” Fanaanal jaam. Thank you =-), Di la nama – I am going to miss you. Yaakaar sa yaram jamm, dama la nob ak nala namm. na how would i say dat nah? Iam doing a project in Senegal, and I would like to know the correct translation of the word Welcome in Wolof. Danga refet = you are pretty defal danke : chill out - Hello everybody. African cultures, like many others, have had a great portion of their culture and traditions preserved in song and glyphs. Das Wort „Wolof“ kommt in den letzten Jahren sehr selten in deutschsprachigen Texten vor. Xale bu góor bi dafa dëgër. – Left. So, Jere-jef torop would be like ‘merci beaucoup’ (French) which is how they would probably say it in Senegal, at least in the urban centers. It is most commonly used in response to the question: Naka nga def? Contact Mbeuguel fcbk on Messenger. The ‘x’ is like a guttural ‘h’. wish i could be of more help. Wha happen? suba = tomorrow Le pénis de la hyène n’est pas une balançoire pour un chevreau. Hey nice. thats is about the most i can remember at the moment , hope this helps a little. In the part of Senegal where I lived they used the word ‘haal’. Chammoon. What does this mean? What’s up, this weekend is nice designed for me, since this time i am reading this wonderful educational paragraph here at my house. Apprendre le wolof avec un cahier d'exercices, débrouillez-vous en wolof, avec du vocabulaire et des phrases de base. Thank you very much binta, I really appreciate your response. Dugghal waay! waaw = yes Anwender. I would really like to learn wolof. Kürzliche Änderungen. ( Log Out / jerejeff. It is noted that mastered both the art of composition, and treatment, to achieve true works of art. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Go to our home page to choose from available languages. See actions taken by the people who … Lo doonul talibeem, mënulo doone serignam. I’m Senegalese , so just trying to help (: If you know of anyone interested and available, March 26-30 let me know. I love all the lines and textures, especially the one curved line wrapping around the center. Ania. bahné : its ok Bugga means ‘like/love/desire/want’. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Could you guys please help me! Hey may have just been shortening namenala which means I miss you or I have missed you…but not sure otherwise. .the words are not well written, I write like I sound like my… i hope can help a little!!! can someone please translate nga magal ko c atyu. You can say nio far which means we are all together or we are one. See more of Mbeuguel fcbk on Facebook. please help it would be of great assistance… i hope lol. I’m looking forward to learn phrases in Wolof. Élage sings mainly in wolof, but also in French and English. or. This meditation was very intsteering in that I seemed to drift off into what seemed to be an altered state but I was still aware of Moorpheus talking at the end. Thanx for your work, sustain the nice funitcon Fantastic perform, I’m likely to start off a tiny Weblog Engine program perform utilizing your website I am hoping you appreciate running a blog with all the well-known BlogEngine.web.Thethoughts you express are actually great. We are looking for people to help us with translation: English to Wolof. – Straight ahead. My dad is a gambian but unfortunately he never thaught me wolof. Cha kanam. Hi! : how are things at home? Does anyone know what ‘Dama la buga’ means? Suma Hol = my heart He wants to marry me, but I need more time to get to know eachother. I recognize everything you say. Si tu pisses en étant couché sur le dos, avant que quelqu’un ne soit mouillé, toi, tu seras trempé. Sopp naa la – I love you (I admire you – when dating) , Haha…no problem! Nana ye zimbe - Good morning. Is that useful? dama dof : im stupid PLEASE, dega dafa am num fa tarjo teh sa waji parei wuta understan. Can someone tell me how you write the phrase that means “no problem” or “no worries” something like “cho du jip” in wolof??? Qui attend longtemps au puits finira par y trouver un seau à puiser. Lii naata? Nekufi =Do not be pichidoma = owl Im seing someone that is from Gambia. Yow = You I am looking for help to translate a sentence from wolof to English. I think it should also be said that Gambian Wolof and Senegalese Wolof are quite different (different dialects and pronounciations). Agsileen ak jaam. Thank you, What es the muy: yalla na ma yalla may Diam ak were ak Nieppe. It means ‘I don’t see it’ literally but can also be ‘I can’t see/find it’. For example “Fofo nou nou” or “nou no la” wht dat means? Der Wolof Sprachkurs für Anfänger hat viele Vorteile nejdem : we are going Kheweul – happiness, often heard in the phrase ‘jamm ak kheweul’ – peace and happiness. Please write word or phrase you want to check in the text box on the left. (plural) Xalel poto-poto la, nooko raaxeh rek lay weyeh. i listened a beautiful song named nana ye. ”. Soo.. thank you ! (It can also be used to day I miss you) While French is the official language of Senegal, Wolof is the most spoken regional language, with the Wolof people making up 43% of the populace. (singular) Na ngeen def. For example if someone was giving you the choice between an apple and an orange and you wanted the apple you’d say ‘dama bugga pom’; ‘I want the apple/I like the apple.”, Jerejef ! Si tu veux devenir veuve, soit belle d’abord. Jerejefff . Someone told me the other day..Danga Rafet.. Hi people, Pvz aš į tavo virtualias erdves ne kartą buvau užsukus, ir su didžiausia šypsena, ir taip daug visko faino radau, bet ko gero nesu net nieko sakius apie tai. nefu len fele waay!!
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